Thursday, June 28, 2012

No, I Would Not Crush Your False Hope

I woke up this morning thinking, "I could test today.  If that First Response pregnancy test is right about being able to detect pregnancy six days before your missed period, then today would be late enough.  I could do it."

It was a little hard to pinpoint the first day of my menstrual cycle this month, which is too bad, because ovulation and, if you hit jackpot, due date, is all based on that magical day.  So, speaking of magic, I decided to call June 6th the first day of my cycle.  I think I like the way the two sixes in 6/6/12 add up to twelve.  Also, calling the sixth the first day, instead of the fifth, made ovulation later and made it more likely that we had caught it during our Trying.

I love having hope.

To that end, I decided not to test today.  Because what if it's negative?  I'd rather not know.  Sure, if I knew it was just me in here, I could go drink Sashimi Martinis on a roller coaster, but there's no roller coasters around here.  And I don't have a martini shaker.  And sashimi is very pricey.  No, I'd rather have six more days of magical possibility, even if they're ended by the disappointment of a period.

Besides, can't taking a pregnancy test too early give you a false negative?

That said, I spent the day seeing all kinds of symptoms of pregnancy in myself.  I felt sort of irritable and emotional.  I felt tired, dizzy, and, at one point in the car, nauseous.  My allergies were terrible (several sources have said that your nose can get stuffy during pregnancy, and one website specifically said that allergies can be much worse during pregnancy).  And tonight, best of all, I've noticed that my breasts are tender.

But that could just be because I sunburned them.

Or because I have PMS.


  1. My first symptom was breast tenderness and sensitivity, even soreness. I felt like I had been rowing a boat for a week, well, I had been rowing a boat for a few hours, but it did not go away. I felt this at two weeks pregnant, long before a missed period, so lay off on the Sashimi Martinis, just in case. SC
